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John R. Gibb

John R. Gibb
John Gibb, in his role of Strategic Emergency Management Advisor provides the RedLand Strategies’ team and clients with insight from his 30-plus years of comprehensive emergency management and homeland security experience. He specializes in prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery across a broad array of technological, natural and terrorism-related hazards.
Gibb served four New York State Governors as a leader of the State’s emergency management and homeland security agencies. Gibb was at the forefront of the complex integration of state homeland security and emergency management agencies when New York State created the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. His involvement in that merger postured him to take the helm of the new agency as Acting Commissioner.
Prior to this post, Gibb held a long list of positions, including:
- New York State’s Director of Emergency Management
- Executive Director of the New York State Weapons of Mass Destruction Task Force from 2001 to 2005
- Chief, NYS Emergency Management Office’s Preparedness Section
- Leader of NYS’s radiological emergency preparedness (REP) program for the state’s commercial nuclear power plants for 13 years.
- Key state operational response roles at both World Trade Center attacks, the crash of TWA Flight 800, and a number of blizzards, floods, hurricanes, and ice storms.
- An active EMT with more than 30 years of local EMS and fire experience.
Gibb received his Bachelor of Arts in Geography from the University of Albany. His extensive emergency management knowledge knows no bounds. He is proud to share his expertise with RedLand Strategies’ diverse client base.
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